Customer Stories - Sheila Hiestand | McCoy & Hiestand, PLC

Attorney Sheila Hiestand of McCoy & Hiestand, PLC, passionately represents those who’ve lost so much. In the wake of the tragic 2018 Marshall County High School shooting, she stood with the families of the deceased and injured, seeking justice for all. She worked with Expert Institute to retain a leading school safety expert, and after years of litigation, obtained a landmark $36 million judgment. This victory is a testament to the power of relentless advocacy and the pursuit of safety in our communities. Join us in recognizing this significant achievement and the ongoing fight for justice.

ByExpert Institute


Published on March 6, 2024

Video Transcript:

"In 2018 there was a school shooting in Marshall County Kentucky. When I was contacted by family members of the deceased and the injured students, I did not know where to start.

Hi, I'm Sheila Hiestand, and I'm a founding partner with McCoy & Hiestand, PLC. I contacted Expert Institute, and they connected me with an expert in school safety to opine on the steps that are taken to prepare for, and prevent a school shooter which gave me the map, and the plan to start the litigation so that I could help these families.

After several years of litigation we were able to successfully obtain a default judgment against the shooter, his mother, and his stepfather. After that we were able to get a judgment for $36 million dollars. Now it's likely that we'll never be able to collect on that judgment but it will prevent the shooter and his family from ever profiting off this tragedy."

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