Rena Zheng, MD

Dr. Rena Zheng, MD, combines a rich background in clinical practice with medical research, making her an exceptional contributor to the medical community. Her journey began with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Rutgers University, followed by earning her MD from Ross University School of Medicine. Rena’s dedication to medicine is evident from her intensive residency at Nassau University Hospital and Rush University Medical Center, where she gained comprehensive clinical experience.

Currently serving as a Physician Contractor with the Expert Institute, Dr. Zheng has seamlessly transitioned from patient care to the intricacies of medical-legal consulting. Her work, including notable research on podocyte foot processes, showcases her commitment to advancing medical knowledge and her capability to elucidate complex medical concepts. Rena’s unique blend of clinical expertise and research acumen makes her contributions to medical content not just informative, but also engaging and accessible.
