Senior Consultant, J.S. Held

Mr Greg Beach has specialized experience in the fields of Claims and Property & Casualty. Currently, they work as a Senior Consultant at J.S. Held.


(904) ***-****

Jacksonville, Florida

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HCRA Elector List - November 1, 2024 - List of Electors -


Greg Beach Promoted to Senior Vice President-Director of ...

Jul 10, 2024 ----- Core Bank is pleased to announce Greg Beach being promoted to Senior Vice President-Director of Construction Lending. Greg has been at Core ...

Duffer Trump. Liar Cheater, Traitor, Text - Photo-Video

Everything you ever wanted to know about Trump Vs Golf. Donald Trump has a long (creative) history with golf. He owns fancy resorts and lavish courses around the world. He has played with the biggest names. And he's received endorsements from some of the most well-known golfers in the world. Even other than himself. But above all, the former president's dubious claims on the course have become legendary and were the subject of a 2019 book by sportswriter Rick Reilly: "Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump." "Trump doesn’t just cheat at golf," Reilly wrote. "He throws it, boots it, and moves it. He lies about his lies. He fudges and foozles and fluffs. At Winged Foot, where Trump is a member, the caddies got so used to seeing him kick his ball back onto the fairway they came up with a nickname for him: 'Pele.'” Trump a self-proclaimed champion: Trump declares himself the winner of his own club championship - in the Trumpiest way ever Trump and LIV Golf:Trump spends LIV pro-am praising his game and proving Joe Biden is in his head | D'Angelo Just ask members of Trump International West Palm Beach who arrived for the final round of their Senior Club Championship on Jan. 22 only to find Trump's name at the top of the leaderboard … when he didn't play the first round. But he did play a round earlier that week, claimed he had a good day and decided to use that score for the first round of the Senior Club Championship. He then called it a "great honor" to have won the tournament on social media, adding, "he was hitting the ball long and straight." Those who know him certainly were not surprised. Here is some of the history Trump, who lives in Palm Beach, has with golf: lists 18 courses under the heading 'Our Properties,' including 12 in the United States. Of those, three are in Florida: Jupiter, West Palm Beach and Doral. Those courses have hosted many PGA and LPGA events, but Trump's relationship with the PGA Tour soured in 2016 when the tour moved the World Golf Championship out of Trump National Doral and to Mexico City after losing its sponsor, Cadillac. This angered Trump for so many reasons. His attitude toward Mexico was made clear as he prepared to run for president when he said of the country: “They are not our friend, believe me. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” That continued when learning the tour was dropping Doral for Mexico City. "They're moving it to Mexico City which, by the way, I hope they have kidnapping insurance." That relationship fractured even more when the PGA of America took a major away from one of Trump's courses four days after Trump supporters rioted at the United States Capitol. The organization moved the 2022 PGA Championship from Trump's course in Bedminster, N.J., to Southern Hills in Tulsa, Okla. All of this led to Trump's support for LIV Golf, the startup league headed by Palm Beach Gardens' Greg Norman and financed by the Saudis. LIV has become a rival of the PGA Tour, and three LIV events this year will be held at Trump properties. Here is the story Reilly told and was also reported on Trump sees Virtue on the back nine of the course one day and tells him he didn’t really win the club championship, "because I was out of town.” So he tells Virtue they will start there and play to see who the real champion is. Virtue has no choice. "Apparently, they get to a hole with a big pond in front of the green," Reilly said. "Both Ted and his son hit the ball on the green, but Trump hits his in the water. By the time they get to the hole, though, Trump is lining up the son’s ball. Only now it’s his ball and the caddie has switched it. "The son is like, 'That’s my ball!' But Trump’s caddie goes, 'No, this is the president’s ball; your ball went in the water.' … Trump makes that putt, and wins 1-up." Where'd that ball come from? Trump was playing in a charity event at a prestigious South Florida course when he was part of a foursome that included an NFL quarterback and professional golfer, according to a participant. On a par-3 that was playing more than 200 yards, no one hit the green, including Trump, whose tee shot clearly was short. Two of the golfers flew the green, the balls landing in a gully. As they walked back up the hill to check out the pin placement, they noticed a ball sitting feet from the hole. Trump tells them it was his ball and they must have not seen his tee shot land on the green. "This guy cheats like a Mafia accountant," Reilly once told Mark Cuban feud Trump and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban had a legendary feud in 2013, with Trump attacking Cuban's team and, of course, his golf. By the end of a two-day meltdown, and after Trump said he won yet another club championship at West Palm Beach, Trump pulled out the big guns, tweeting:

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J.S. Held

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