Kerry Mitchell Crivello, MA

Ms. Kerry Mitchell Crivello, MA

ID: 621255

Los Angeles, California

About Ms. Kerry Mitchell Crivello, MA

Ms. Kerry Crivello has 9 years of experience as a Firefighter-Paramedic. She earned her BA in Child Development from Tufts University and her MA in Clinical Psychology from the Pepperdine Graduate School of Education and Psychology. Today, she is licensed as a Paramedic in the State of California. Formerly, this expert served as a Paramedic for Hall Ambulance Service, Inc. and as a Firefighter-Paramedic for the San Bernardino County Fire Department. She also served as the Paramedic Expert Commentator for "First Responders" on Fox Television. She currently serves as a Firefighter-Paramedic for the Los Angeles City Fire Department.


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