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Expert Radar

AI-driven insights on opposing experts

Expert Radar puts due diligence on autopilot by leveraging AI to deep dive into an expert’s background and litigation history faster than ever before.

Expert Radar profile for an engineering expert

Opposing counsel is prepared. Are you?

Expert Radar uses AI to dive deep into an expert's litigation history, challenges, personal litigation, and all court documents. Moreover, the expert's qualifications, background, and credibility are examined to deliver actionable insights.

Reveal the full story behind every expert witness

A breakdown of all litigation an expert has been a part of

Unlock the key to courtroom success with Expert Radar. This AI-powered tool delivers comprehensive insights on opposing experts, giving you a decisive advantage.

  • Uncover Conflicts of Interest: Quickly identify questionable affiliations and potential biases without spending days on research
  • Detect Contradictory Statements: Instantly find inconsistencies in an expert’s publications or testimony using Global Search.
  • Reveal Ulterior Motives: Discover if an opposing expert has received compensation from the organization they represent, challenging their credibility.
  • Expose Controversial Material: Access presentations, news coverage, and video content to uncover inflammatory comments or controversial posts beyond CVs and journals.
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Actionable insights and competitive intel delivered by AI

Data on an expert, including media mentions, institutional affiliations, and background check

Radar compiles every aspect of an expert's legal and professional history—from depositions and challenges to publications, disciplinary actions, and even social media—into one interactive, searchable profile.

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Critical data on every expert witness

Litigation History

  • Expert witness litigation analysis

  • Expert challenges

  • Deposition transcripts

  • Trial transcripts

  • Court exhibits & filings

  • Affidavits

Risk & Credibility

  • Disciplinary actions

  • Board sanctions

  • Background check

  • Social media presence

  • News features

  • Online presence

  • Publications, lectures, & presentations

Professional History

  • Professional History

  • Expert fees

  • Education & training

  • Licenses & certifications

  • Employment history

  • Hospital affiliations

  • Memberships & associations

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