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Expert iQ

Streamline your workflow - all in one place

Request services, access AI-driven insights, and manage cases in a single platform. Meet Expert iQ, your all-in-one case management solution.

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Work smarter and take on more cases with Expert iQ

Make managing your caseload effortless by getting everything you need, all in Expert iQ. Access resources, request services, and collaborate with your team of experts.

Case management, simplified

Legal case management

Expert iQ is your one-stop-shop to manage your cases, from start to “case closed.” Access AI-driven insights, collaborate with colleagues, and consult with leading experts.

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AI-driven research and insights, delivered

AI-driven legal insights

Expert iQ uses AI to collect, analyze, and organize challenges, deposition transcripts, affidavits, court exhibits, publications, and more to deliver the insights you need to succeed.

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Legal tech designed to keep your cases moving

  • Expert Radar Icon

    Expert Radar

    Access AI-driven due diligence on opposing and retained experts

    Research every expert's litigation history, challenges, publications, deposition/trial transcripts, and more to extract actionable insights.

  • Medical Chronologies Icon

    Medical Chronologies

    Effortlessly summarize medical records using AI

    Turn thousands of pages of medical records into smart, digitized, hyperlinked, and searchable documents with our AI-powered Medical Chronologies tool.

  • Expert Search Icon

    Expert Search

    Retain world-class experts for every case

    We bring you industry leaders and subject matter experts who are at the forefront of their field. With 3+ million experts, you have access to the top minds in any occupation or discipline.

  • Medical Record Review Icon

    Medical Record Review

    Let our doctors review your cases to identify strengths and weaknesses

    Consult a team of 75+ legal-minded physicians, trained in every medical discipline, to review medical records, and evaluate your cases.

Data security with peace of mind

Soc 2 Type 2 Certified

In the dynamic world of legal tech, safeguarding client data is of paramount importance. Expert Institute proudly upholds this responsibility, having achieved SOC 2 Type 2 Certification - a robust endorsement of our commitment to the highest standards of data security and privacy. This rigorous, independent audit verifies that our systems and processes meet stringent criteria for security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy.

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